Vattathil waterfalls is the place where situated near to pallikcal in Kollam district it comes under chadayamangalam grama panchayath, we have started from Kollam it is not displayed in Google map, so we have searched for nearest place kalladathanni
Route map |
There are 3 routes to reach kalladathanni, we have selected route via paripally through NH47, from NH you have to take left at paripally to pallickal road and again from pallikal you have to take devations
Kalladathanni river |
I love rivers and waterfalls, kalladathanni have been mentioned in Kollam DTPC website, I hope they are arrnageing tourist package to there, at first we have followed the Google map and reached the destination the designation was a dead end and there is no river over there, at last we have decided to get verbal map form locals over there, we have came back to main junction and asked some local's over there they have told that you have passed the way to that waterfall, as per there intpstuctions we have came back to kalladathanni bridge which was the famous place, I know you all are thinking how come it had become famous, yes it was because there one bus has fallen into river and it had taken 20 lives,, near to that there is a mud road towards kalladathanni river, we have got confused because both side of the road was rubber plantations may be it will be way to rubber plantations, we have searched for someone who can answer us but didn't find anyone.
Waterfalls |
At last we have found some one in rubber plantation we have drived to there and conformed our way, yes it was we have reached an place with view of river and waterfall together, but again confused with how to reach waterfall, I know well that rivers have 2 nature one is quiet and calm and another one is horribkle , because sometimes if it is raining the rivers will become deadly dangerous in there flow, that speed of water flow can't be controlled by humans if we know swimming also, i have gone back to my memories of my childhood in kallar river in Trivandrum which was my fathers home town, we have searched the way to waterfall at last we have found an wooden bridge made up with two cocunt trees wood, it is bit dangerous to pass through it but I am egar to see the waterfall I have walked through it very nicely.
We have seen some local peoples bathing over there, we thought they might be very rude but it is really amazing they have came and helped us in understandign danger and safe areas of that river. We have enjoyed our day in natures cool water.
Thanks to DTPC KOLLAM, my friend Mohammed who have accompined me and those unknown local peoples who have given a company to enjoy vattathil waterfalls.
Beauty shore growing with mouth publicity...
Deleteour river